Sunday, October 4, 2009

Can We Dance On It?

Every time I get any part of this quilt out Owen asks me this very important question. Today I let them; nothing is just ironed on at the moment.
I'm totally going to put the star, it feels like it needs something as a focal point. I need to put the final triangles on the edge reds and light blues. The bordering light brown is a bit of an almost issue.
There's this cutter at JoAnn's, she's young, not quite as practiced as June and the other septuagenarians manning the cutting table. So far every time she's cut something for me it turns out to be a good couple inches short. The dark brown was short, Lily's drapes were short, and the light brown is short. The problem is that it doesn't line up. In some parts it's not a problems, but in one spot my foot border is only eight inches, well almost eight and a half. Maybe she just doesn't cut straight, something. I feel a little bad that I think of her as "the bad cutter," but that's really how it is.
So the almost issue needs to be resolved. Either I cut all the light brown to eight and a half and then make the dark brown binding (I'm doing a fold over binding, it's just easiest) a few inches wide to make up some of the difference. OR, I sew an add-piece to my light brown, which I think would look kinda dorky to have a seam a few inches from the edge instead of just a longer piece. Also, making this slightly more difficult: I have no king size bed to measure it all against. I have measurements for a king mattress, but I'm still doing this somewhat blindly.
I don't have to decide yet. I'll do the star and triangles and see what I think then.

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